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What is a Tummy Tuck Scar?

One of the greatest side effects after undergoing a process of abdominoplasty procedure or more commonly known as a tummy tuck procedure is that it will leave a big and obvious scar. Although scarring is a part of the healing and natural skin restoration process, most of the people will find it disgusting and unattractive. So why is there a possibility of a big scar on the abdomen after a tummy tuck procedure? Actually it will depend on the quality of the procedure that you have undergone. It will always be depending on the cosmetic surgeon who did the procedure. If the partial and lower tummy tuck is done by a good plastic surgeon, you will almost not see the scar that is done. Scars could be permanent, but there are expert surgeons that carefully and intricately makes the incisions below the bikini line for the scars to be invisible. Also bruising and swelling of the operated area can be prevented if the surgeon will ensure a clean and perfect procedure. Also, it will be avoided if you follow all the pertinent and required instructions recommended by the surgeon. Be aware that tummy tuck procedure scars will have a high tendency to look worse and more disgusting about three to six months right after the procedure. But do not worry because it will eventually be restored and the color will lighten.


What is a full tummy tuck scar? It is the resulting scar after a full tummy tuck baltimore procedure. The scar will extend from one side to the other side of the hip in the lower area of the abdomen. The scar will be long because there will be two incisions required to finish the procedure.


There is another type of tummy tuck procedure. It is called a partial tummy tuck procedure or a mini or lower tummy tuck operation. This procedure will only result to one scar. The scar will be a pattern of a single horizontal line in the lower abdomen. There will be no visible scars in the navel area because the procedure is not long and will not require more incisions.


Some other complications could be present and it will affect he visibility of scars after a tummy tuck procedure. Also, you could suffer some skin irregularities if you will also undergo a liposuction operation at the same time. This is very common though. The conclusion here is that it will always depend on the plastic surgeon baltimore who will be performing the procedure so make sure you will get a good one.

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